Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Hey Honey!" at Clayworks on Columbia LOVE PAIRED exhibit

‎"Hey Honey!" slipcast in porcelain

"Hey Honey!" is my newest series currently featured at Clayworks on Columbia's LOVE PAIRED exhibit, now until March 18th.

A big focus in my work is happiness, things that make you smile and playing with iconic images. I love how every time I see these bears they make me smile. Before this project, I never noticed how many different honey bears there were and now I am constantly on the search for new ones. 
Currently in collection: "Oh My! honey bear," "Belly-scratcher Backpack bear," and "Baby Big Crown Hairy Back bear"


Rebecca said...

Are any of these sweet bears for sale ;)

Demetria Chappo said...

Yes! There are $35 for Oh My! and Belly Scratcher and $30 for Baby Big Crown.

Rebecca said...

Send me your address and the checks in the mail :)